The AWE conference is the premier event for leading XR professionals worldwide, bringing together hardware and software developers, content creators, and AR/VR enthusiasts. In June 2022, Xander was selected to participate in the Startup Pitch Competition at AWE USA in Santa Clara, California.
The highlight of our time at the show was attending the After Party sponsored by TikTok at Sushi Confidential. It was a fun atmosphere as people mingled and talked shop over the sound of loud music. We had our XanderGlasses with us in-person, and XR enthusiasts eagerly put them to the test captioning conversations in an incredibly loud and noisy environment.
Sonya Haskins, a pioneering esports player, author & editor, founder of VR Community Builders, and AWE's Head of Programming, tried the glasses. Dedicated to encouraging the growth of positive, inclusive environments in immersive, social, and physical realities, Sonya immediately saw the potential for XanderGlasses. She brought them around the party for people to try on, and she captured their reactions on video. We’re happy to share these reactions with you in this video.
During this moment, we also met Meryl Evans, featured in the video. Meryl is deaf, a top advocate for disability rights, a professional speaker, an accessibility consultant, and a captioning expert. As part of the conversation with Meryl, we also had the pleasure of meeting Dylan Fox, Head of Community and Engagement at XR Access.
It was great to see XanderGlasses perform well under the challenging audio environment of a festive party - everyone loved them!